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Department of Business and Economics

Chancen und Grenzen ökonomischen Wachstums

Module: Makroökonomie V
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Almut Balleer
Credits: 7.5 Credits
Course type: Lecture and Seminar
Exam: Presentation including written elaboration as well as oral co-operation and participation (compulsory attendance)
Language: German
Application: Online application
Date and place: Wednesday, 12:00 - 16:00, VP87 / 127
Beginning: 10/16/2024
Topic Assignment: 10/30/2024
Deadline for term paper: tba

Contents overview

This module analyses economic growth both theoretically and empirically. The results are discussed in the context of the current economic and political debate. Specific questions are: What is growth? How does growth come about? To what extent are growth and prosperity connected? What are the limits to growth? How does green growth work? How can (and should) politics influence growth?

Learning goals

Students repeat the relevant methodologies from macroeconomic research and are able to apply these to the questions. They understand and practise academic discourse. They will be able to critically analyse the topic and develop their own statements and policy recommendations in relation to the issues.

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